Experience the Everyday

By worldofcherie

Only You - The Platters - 1955

This afternoon, we visited one of Roberto's aunts to give them the wedding invitation.

Uncle Antonio loves old music and repaired this gramophone over a period of time. It's fully functional and it was like taking you way back to the black and white era.

He took out the 'foreign collection' and picked one of his favourites - Only You. The scratchy noise was so real (obviously). We just sat there and hummed along. Absolutely beautiful.

Went to the connect group's formal gathering tonight at a pub and shared with everyone quickly how I came to know God as my personal saviour. Then the discussion was around the parable that Jesus gave about the different soil where seeds were scattered.

Seeds cannot grow on hard ground. Like our hearts, when they're hard, fruits are not produced. There's no life. I'm the perfect example. When I'm hard-hearted, I can be super critical, smart-mouthed and feel bitter towards everything.

Then it always hits me. I've forgotten God's grace and how good He is to me. I've forgotten what He has done, I've forgotten that I'm in the palm of His hand.

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