In Between Days

By jase

Nail Biting

Kid's TV can be quite tense these days.

Either that or it could be that she is just biting her nails out of habit. I might have to get some of that horrible tasting stuff you paint on their nails whilst asleep. Do they still do that? (I might have added the asleep bit but the shock effect may increase its chances of working).

Or maybe she's just biting her nails today and its not in fact a habit. I shall keep an eye on her nail biting frequency!

Another long day in the office. I would have much rather been where the kids were - L met up with friends and their kids at Lotherton Hall and they had picnics and egg hunts! By all accounts they had a great time.

Note - My photo now has extra contrast due to L suggesting that Alana looks like she has a black eye! Highlights a bit overblown now but its all about balance (and keeping the other half happy)


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