Living In The Valley

By CatbirdCottage

Hello Mr. Bobwhite

A most unexpected surprise today, I was walking the fence line looking at some blooms when I saw this. I was stunned to see a Northern Bobwhite. They are lovely and considered near threatened. I used to hear the bobwhites calling to each other in the evenings when I was growing up. A wonderful memory. This seems to be the male, I was rather closer than I wanted to be (didn't want to startle him very much and I left rather quickly) They nest on the ground. I don't see how they can have very many little bobwhites to survive around here. It's wonderful to see him and sad at the same time. I don't know if there is a mate, but I hope they can find a safe place to nest.

Feeling much better today. While on my walk I noticed more blooms and a couple of rabbits here. I know last year I had several baby rabbits hopping around... I have a feeling I will again this year :)

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