Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Home from College

One of my stepdaughters, F, is home from college for the next two and a half weeks for the Easter break. She just happens to be my favourite model although she is qute shy and usually has to be begged for a sitting. This morning though, she needed me. She needed an ID shot for something or other to do with college so I am taking the opportunity to do two jobs at the one time.

As you can see, I have decided to go for something a little different both in the crop and in the processing.

And now for a little commenting before heading off to my CS5 course. See you all later.

Edit : For those wondering about the ID photo. This of course is not the ID version. This was done fron one of the set especially for blipfoto. The "official" one contains the entire head and shoulders and hasnt been post processed in Photoshop beyond the normal levels, curves and sharpening.

Edit No.2 The eagle eyes have spotted a shadow under the chin to left of frame. I should have pointed out that this was not shot in a studio but in the hallway of the house. The light from the right is simply sunshine through the window of the front door. Flash was used more to fill in the left side rather than as the main light

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