Robert Harcus A.S.E.A

From time to time you may remember my mentioning that I have a very good friend, a professional artist, for whom I do a bit of work from time to time. Well this morning was one such occasion when I called to him in order to shoot a few of his paintings for burning to C.D's. While there I asked him if he wouldn't mind posing for me so that I could post the shot here in Blipfoto. Needless to say, he agreed readily.

So, I introduce you to Robert Harcus. The initials after his name indicate that he is an Associate of the Society of Equestrian Artists, indeed the only Irish artist to be so honoured by the Society. If you are interested you can drop by his own website at where you will read all about him and see further examples of his work. He is a very dear friend of mine and it has been an honour to do the photographic work for him.

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