Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

From Fiction to Future

Tonight went to a talk involving Charlie Stross,Iain Banks and Ken MacLeod called From Fiction to Future which was about how science fiction is influencing new science and technology. I admit, the only author I'd heard of prior to the talk was Iain Banks but since Charlie Stross mentioned he does cyberpunky stuff, I might look up some of his stuff. Sorry for the poor quality photo - I was trying to be subtle and not interrupt everyone's concentration.

Considering I was feeling full of female rage before I went out and didn't want to go at all, I had a good time. I hadn't realised there would be a book signing afterwards or would have picked up something for them to sign. Ah well.

Came home, had my carb free dinner (weigh in day tomorrow...) and slapped a facemask on. Made me feel much better but am keen to get to bed soon since I'm totally wiped...

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