must try harder

By halfcj

No worries!

After the week of birthdays, late nights, lots of ponce blipping and busy work schedule, we're all pretty whacked it has to be said! I've had just too much to do today to think about photographing anything.

However, I am minded to say that the article inspiring the 'ponce' series did actually make me think of one thing that is maybe good or maybe not so good about blipland. That is....we blippers are such a polite bunch. I don't know about you, follower, but nobody has every commented on one of my blips...."That's sh**!". And let's face is, there have been some blips I have posted that are, indeed, sh**!

You know the one's, days when you know you shouldn't even have ventured out from the duvet or, just had too much to do, but the pressure of doing a blip every day just led you to the closest and most uninteresting shot available. So maybe the man has a point?, as if to prove his point, I had to revert to a very early morning quick blip today.

Our pooch Dylan...probably the most over-pampered dog known to mankind (probably not actually, but certainly over-loved), had found his way into the boy's den and snuggled down on their sofa. They had long since made their way to bed and when locking up, I noticed in the darkness this bundle snuggled under the 'sleepover' duvet that the boys earlier had been snuggled into watching a movie. Not sure how he got there nor how he had managed to get himself covered up, but it amply demonstrates the adage that "it's a dog's life."

Maybe we're too lenient with him. I know his siblings aren't allowed near any furniture and my brother's dog's aren't even allowed in some rooms. But I love the fact that he sits with me on the sofa sleeping with his chin on my lap. Safe and secure. I envy him. His biggest worry is seeing a squirrel intrude into the personal space that is, 'his' garden.

Wouldn't that be nice!

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