must try harder

By halfcj

Proving the theory.

We all went for an early evening walk, took some pictures of B and the boys messing about with the dog which had some lovely colours in the shade of trees backlit by the setting sun, but they were both noisy and out of focus with the AF struggling in the low light to focus on anything on particular. Needed some fill -in light really...but had nothing with me. N'er mind!

As we walked back, Dilly was attacked unprovoked by an Alsatian, or maybe a German Shepherd, never sure which is which, the long haired version anyway. Luckily no blood was drawn, but it scared the be-jeepers out of poor Dilly who was just minding his own business and scampered back to us to hide behind our legs. His confusion was palpable, as he was just sniffing away at some stinging nettles when the attack started from behind him. Whenever this happens, the owners always make out that this has never happened before and is most out of character for their 'Bonzo'. Righto!

As it passed us before the attack, both Joe and I commented on it's demeanour and stopped as a precaution...and sure enough, we were proved right. The young couple seemed nice enough though, with a small baby in a pram...which B commented on out of earshot....and was right, as it would worry me to have a dog of such temperament with a small baby. Not our business though.

So as we walked to the car, I luckily thought to take a back up shot of the darkening sky and as I could not get the exposure I wanted, experimented with changing the zoom on the same settings to see how different the result was to record and learn. Hence my blip...which actually I quite liked as an image anyway. Interesting how the foreground is more consistent than the sky (obviously as the source of light) which changes more dramatically.

Good to see the theories proven in practice. Not necessarily sure I learned anything new, but I know what I like, and I like what I know.............but me, I'm just a lawnmower.....

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