
By lifeandstuff

beauty is great company

"The friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you." ~Elbert Hubbard, The Notebook, 1927

I visited a couple I have known for thirteen years tonight. she made a wonderful dinner, and I felt unbelievably lucky to have them in my life. I met them when I was very young, so they have seen me through the most mad years of my life, and are still here...

I am not sure how to describe this wonderful couple, and have never met any like them. He gets me, and is interested in EVERYTHING I have to say, he listens to everything with great interest, and is always very dimplomatic and warm. He is a wonderful, wise man, and has one of the best hearts I know. He is loved by hundreds, and I count him as one of my best and oldest friends. When he met his missus (twelve years ago), she fast became an angel to me, someone to be inspired by, a hugely positive influence to me. She is in her sixties, and seems not much older than me in her attitude to life. She is beautiful, funny, caring, and truly a wonderful and positive woman. I see them every few months. I look forward to hearing their wonderful stories of travel, friends, parties and great times, and always come away feeling warm and loved. It was a great night. I need to appreciate my friends more. :-)

my fotie today, just a wee tulip. While I was waiting for a bus. pretty.

hope you had a great day. :D x x

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