
By lifeandstuff

a nicer sky ?

"A cloud does not know why it moves in just such a direction and at such a speed... It feels an impulsion... this is the place to go now. But the sky knows the reasons and the patterns behind all clouds, and you will know, too, when you lift yourself high enough to see beyond horizons. " ~Richard Bach

not a lot of nice things to smile about today, I love skies, and their beauty. So, today, the sky. I love this time of year, I am never quite sure of what the sky will bring, and which thoughts it might bring with it. Today, I loved the sky.

I had a text from a friend today. She has been battling with cancer as long as I have known her. She has a form of cancer again at the moment.

She is the most amazing woman I know. I look at her every time I see her, and feel nothing but love and admiration. She would hate me writing this, as she doesnt see herself as anything special. She is. She doesnt get it. She inspires so many people every day, and doesnt see what she does is amazing. She is. Just awe inspiring.

She text me today simply saying "it has spread again. Have to go for radiotherapy again. *x"

She can do this. She will do this. I just wish she didnt have to. She doesnt deserve it. Nobody does, but she has done nothing in her life but be the naturally wonderful caring, kind and special special person that she is. It is just not fair.

I text her saying a few things, one being "sending all my love "
she replied... "dont be silly, dont waste it all on me, Hubby and the wee one need that."

hope you had a nice day. :-) <3 xx

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