What a Brazen Hussy

This Jezebel is leaning out of a window in a hotel in Market Street, Hawes, enticing in customers. We are not so gullible, although there was a certain amount of restrain on his Lordship by me.

The weather is glorious this morning and we are pointing the car north on our way home. Depending on weather and inclination, we may stop on our way and find another little haven to spend the night.

Watch this space.

Edit: We've tootled up the backroads through Kirkby Stepehen and Alston to Hexham before deciding that we would continue to Melrose for an overnight stop.
We've had a wander round the town with photographic opportunities at the ruined abbey, a pint of cider in an unlikely sounding pub for the middle of the Cheviots -The Ship Inn -and are now ensconced in a rather nice hotel waiting for dinner while we have a quick peek at life on-line.

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