Waiting patiently

She loves her bed does our dog. She`s waiting for her duvet to dry so she can be even more comfy.....finally finished planting up the garden, 6 hanging baskets, 4 tubs along the fence and 12 big pots. Spuds are in the bags, waiting for the tomatoes, beans and courgettes to be ready for planting, also going to grow salad leaves and carrots this year.
Roger next door grows different to us and then we share the fruits of our labours.
Have a great weekend every one.
Good luck to Chris` nephew Neil running in his first London Marathon...in fact good luck to all the runners, it`s going to be a warm day

Got me mojo back and have back blipped the last few days.....off to do a 21st in a while, they`ll all get s***faced and then go off to town to the clubs to get even more s***faced....oh to be young again

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