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Relay for Life was today down by the river. StinePie was the co-chair and organized the whole thing so I went down to help her out and take pictures. It was a beautiful sunshiney day.

For those of you who don't know Relay for Life is through the Amerian Cancer Society. Much more than a walk around a track, Relay is a time to celebrate those who have battled cancer, remember those lost, and get inspired to fight back for those who are currently battling it. It was from 12pm to 12am. There was lots of food, candles,games, performances, people walking, music, and hope there. Marist raised $57,500 for the cause, which is absolutely amazing. These were candles set up in paper bags on the hill. So pretty.

My other favorite picture from the day: Micah And Ryan Schmidt performing

Highlight of relay had to be either driving Stine's car to my dorm without her in it (yes, she was frightened) or shaking hands with the president of the college!

Had a great time, was absolutely exhausted afterwards, and am so so so proud of my bestest friend for putting that all together. She's amazing :)

And when I got back to my nice comfortable bed and was ready to pass out a certain lovely person called me and told me to come outside. Awesome surprise<3 So happy =]

and everyone knew but me =P

"Two years ago, I was afraid of wanting anything. I figured wanting would lead to trying and trying would lead to failure. But now I find I can't stop wanting. I want to fly somewhere on first class. I want to travel to Europe on a business trip. I want to get invited to the White House. I want to learn about the world. I want to surprise myself. I want to be important. I want to be the best person I can be. I want to define myself instead of having others define me. I want to win and have people be happy for me. I want to lose and get over it. I want to not be afraid of the unknown. I want to grow up and be generous and big hearted, the way people have been with me. I want an interesting and surprising life. It's not that I think I'm going to get all these things, I just want the possibility of getting them. College represents possibility. The possibility that things are going to change. I can't wait."
-Tyra Collette, Friday Night Lights


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