Brittas Bay

In spite of our efforts to block out the light that would stream through the white roller blinds in every room, the kids were up at 7am and standing at the side of the bed asking if they could have a bit of telly. Approval grunted but the volume of the TV means there's little chance of further sleep.

Up and off to the beach with Ewan and Ellen on their bikes and us walking. Although before long it's Ewan on his bike, Ellen walking and Mandy carrying her bike. Soon it'll be me carrying Ellen and Mandy carrying the bike. It's a lovely sunny day but a little too early in the season for the beach to have more than a scattering of people on it. We take a walk along the sand between the two car parks and then to the wee shop for some supplies.

Long walk back to the house along the road, where we find Clodagh and Malachy waiting. Ewan did a fine, sensible job of not getting himself killed on his bike. After lunch, it's back to the beach for some sitting, digging, sliding and snoozing.

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