"I am one of triplets; a spare lamb, a very tiny lamb, but that is not to say I am unloved. No, certainly not. I was chosen by the farmer for individual care and attention. Something akin to adoption I would think. But he has gone out and I am going to wait here by his front gate until he returns home and gives me a bottle of milk. I absolutely refuse to move until then.

But you may scratch my head and tickle my ears until that moment comes".

Apologies for two lamb blips in a row but this little chap was bleating madly at the farm opposite our house, and was just so friendly. We were returning from a lovely walk in the sunshine up the Pennine Way. On the way we caught, after an inordinate amount of effort, two small black lambs who were out on the track, and put them back in the field with their mother. Why the one I carried back had to pee all down my leg I will never know.

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