Knoydart 1

I have been planning this trip for years and I convinced Rancid and not Rancid to come along.

A lovely breakfast, porridge with cream and honey followed by scrambled eggs and smoked salmon then of to the harbour to get the boat to Inverie.

A pleasant boat trip, then off to the bunkhouse to get our beds organised. We all had our own plans today. Rancid heading up Ladhar Bheinn, while I headed further North West to Beinn na Callich, we planned to meet on a summit later.

We walked together along the low level paths and then went our chosen route. The weather was glorious, I met noone on Beinn na Callich, the views all around were stunning(crap photos sadly), there was not much wildlife either.

Having reached the summit in plenty of time I headed straight south and waded the river, fell running shoes on and a wee jaount up a wee hill, this was probably a hill to many.

Boots back on and off to meet rancid and co, we had speculated a time we would both meet they were 15 mins early and as it was getting cold and windy they were descending when I met them. A quick chat and I headed up and up, I was tired and struggling. Reached the top and headed down, the mist engulfed me and I could not see a safe way all the way down so took to the easy ground. I realised why I was felling so bad, I had hardly eaten, so a sit down and some home baking and water and felt much better.

Quick descent as we had a table booked at the Forge for 7.45.

Met the rest who were getting a bit worried, shower and off to eat. Lovely food and a couple of pints, the first for a long time with 3 pints of water.

Back early to get some sleep, what a mix in the bunkhouse, some chatty and some downright rude.

This is Sgurr Coire Choinnichean from the boat the summit we should have met on.

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