Knoydart 2

Breakfast made and consumed, good chat to fellow breakfast makers.

Stripped the beds as we were heading North through the hills, again we had our own plans but sort of knew were we all where.

I headed of early east, out of Inverie on the open ground I was greeted by an eagle circling close by, stunning view. In fact on the hills all weekend we saw loads of bird of prey pellets, some small and others huge.

I headed up Gleann Meadal, got to my ascent point and dumped the rucksack and headed up the very steep slopes, I spotted Rancid and Co heading up the glen, hopefully I would catch them later in the day.

A tough climb and the battered cyclinderical trig point reached, this hill took the same amount of time to climb as descend, being so steep and rocky.

Gathered the rucksack and headed to the Bealach, met a couple of guys Tom and Paul, this was great company as we all headed up Meall buidhe, handed out a blip card and said our good byes. Worried about time I did not go to the top but headed North.

I decided to contour roud the corrie to reach the big path, armed with my watch altimeter I walked round to meet the path. Loads of bank voles darted in the grass into their burrows, this may explain all the birds of prey pellets.

Met the path and attempting to catch Rancid headed down to Barrisdale. I just thought that I would have seen them. I hung around for 10 minutes and then spotted them coming down the path. They knew what I did and I sort of assumed they had gone over another hill.

My plan was to head over another hill, but I was too tired. So we all walked together to Kinlochhourn, a lovely sea loch with steep sides. The path undulates it way along and you never seem to be getting to the end.

We met an old boy who Rancid had met earlier so we stopped and chatted.

Eventually we reached the B&B, we were knackered, a long day.

Baths and evening meals and we all headed to bed, I snored seemingly sorry.

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