Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan

mummy, do I have to keep these on?

Oh what a day!

Chris was working during the day today for the first time in a while and I think I am out of practice because I'm exhausted! We have had a nice day though, pottering about. There was a poo exploding out of a nappy and ending up on the carpet, missing the dress, tshirt and bodysuit of the monster who's poo it was situation. That wasn't fun. And then we went out to post a parcel but forgot the parcel. We did have a lovely walk in the sun though and I let Amelie walk alongside me where she just loved picking stray plants from people's gardens and bushes. She was actually walking quite quickly as well when she wasn't being distracted by everything around her. When we came back I tried to write a shopping list but she just wanted to draw on it with the biro. I gave her paper and a crayon but no, it had to be my shopping list and a biro. Then she spat out most of her dinner... And then Daddy came home!!

Her rash is much better than yesterday but her cough is still there. Think we may need to go back to the Dr and give an inhaler a try but I don't fancy my chances trying to get her to take that...

OH, look its my 200! I didn't even realise!! Happy 200 to me!

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