The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Tired much?

It was Callum's first afternoon at nursery today - can you tell? He had a great time and managed to remember his teacher's name and which peg to put his jacket and bag on. Ella is a bit confused as she (naturally) thought that Callum going to nursery would mean that she should go up to P1...not quite yet though!

The poor wee man fell fast asleep when he came home tonight. This is him zonked out over the side of the armchair. He woke up quickly when supper was shouted (toad in the hole tonight, he practically ran through to the kitchen!) and regaled us all with his witty anecdotes of his nursery experience. The fact that he remembered what he had for snack was one step further than his big sister who insists that they never do "nothing" and shrugs her shoulders if pushed any further. She has also decided today that she'd had enough of her father's "nonsense" as he was giving her into trouble.

Maybe P1 is not such a bad idea after all?

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