Inspiration deserted me this morning. I had ideas, but none of them seemed right. It wasn't all a waste of time though as I went back to the manual and rediscovered a few bits and pieces that I had forgotten. Not a bad thing to do from time to time. Manual reading that is.

While I was frittering my time away the cat decided to help herself to some of last night's chill. She's now licking her lips furiously. Don't think she'll do that again!

Anyway, as it's now getting on, I thought I better blip something.

This garlic was lying on a basket in the kitchen. I wish it was home grown, but it's not. The garden is a mess and it needs a complete overhaul. I will probably be doing a bit of that over the next few months and that probably means I'll have less time to spend here on blip.

It's not that I want to stop, I enjoy it too much for that, but I think I'm going to take a break from the daily image routine. At one point that was very important to me but things have changed a bit. Now I want to be able to post images because I like them - not just because it's something I need to do.

I would also like to offer thanks to everyone at Blip and to everyone who has paid my journal a visit. Thanks also to everyone who has commented, given support, help and friendship so freely since I started out here. Your input was and still is, invaluable. You helped me navigate my way through two of the darkest years of my life. At the moment I have no words to express my gratitude for that.

Meantime, suffice it to say...

Ta very, very much.

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