
By mandygf

a new beginning....

.... didn't sleep that well last night.... too much going on in my head.... & not enough hours before the alarm went off....

...the memorial service for my friend is on 26 April, my mom is going so I feel a little better that she will be there, seeing as I can't cause I'm too far away.... I had a "chat" to his partner on FB last night, I feel so sorry for their children, they are 12 & 10, it must be awful to loose a parent at such a young age.... she seems like a lovely woman & is doing all she can to help them get through it... but I guess it will just take time.....

....on a lighter note.... the teen has headed to the carnival with money in hand... don't expect too much will come back.... she was armed with her camera so we'll have to see what she comes back with.....

the wee man & I went to Arbroath to get some shopping done... & true to his masculine side he was playing with all the bra's in Peacocks..... kept asking if we could get them for "Teetee"........ then before we were finished he decided he wanted to go home & fell asleep..... ahhh peaceful shopping....

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