
By GloryGlory


Great joy... Mr B had a day off today!

My lone ranger parenting was bolstered... and just on time!

Miss B blew more than a few gaskets throughout the morning culminating in an aborted attempt to visit Manchester Art Gallery, great disappointment.

The day was rescued by a picnic, a local adventure playground (to vent a certain 4yr olds steam) an ice-cream or two (to cool down the parents jangled nerves!) and a pair of new sandals for Miss B.

The later was not so much a treat for her but for myself! This mornings antics were far far FAR from deserving of the excitement of new shoes, yet for myself to have company in what is usually a necessary but hideous task was bliss! My husband saved my flagging spirits again!

When Miss B was smaller she named sandals 'sanboons' and the name stuck until now. Despite my constant use of the word Miss B dismisses it. It's probably way too baby-ish for a 4yr olds street cred.!

Update - since writing this journal Miss B has taken up the word sanboons again!

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