just allan

By allan


Here's my friend Ross taking today's Blip. Blip of a blip, in return for his blip of my blip a few months ago.

We walked out from work along the Water of Leith, through the Botanic Gardens and back. Just as we were heading back in good time for a 1pm meeting, I spotted our local heron in our local river and we spent a bit of time snapping the poor creature. A few more including the heron on Flickr.

Anyway, we were both a bit late for the meeting but it went well.

This evening I went to see Meek's Cutoff in the Filmhouse which I didn't like at all. Up to a certain point I was swithering, as I found it predictable and without engaging characters, but quite interesting. Then the all-too-predictable lone Red Indian got all-too-predictably kicked in the face and I just got up and left. This is a PG film, which means 8 year olds can watch it by themselves !? Eh?

Then I met my old friend Seb for his leaving drinks and got the last train home. Nice end to a kinda weirdly nice day.

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