Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Hunting in the Backyard

Late afternoon when I arrived home from work, I took all three pooches outside to the backyard. Chloe loves to hunt for lizards and bugs, so I was sitting across the yard from her, when I noticed what she was doing. Quietly I just slipped my cheapie camera from my pocket to capture the moment.

The land behind our place is wide open meadow/park land, so we get lots of critters and creepy things in our yard. Chloe is intrigued by all of these. When Chloe and Mitzi find a bug on the patio they roll over on it and try to smash it with their backs. It is the craziest looking behavior.

Tonight was date night, so when we arrived home this evening we were going to go out for dinner and a movie. Once we both got home, we decided that having date night right here with the three pooches sounded relaxing and enjoyable. With the cost of gasoline, we thought staying home made sense. This has been a good evening.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Chloe, Mitzi, and Max), aka Carol

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