
By willcarroll

An Early Resurrection

Holy Saturday again.

To my shame, Lent has come and gone relatively unnoticed this year. I don't feel prepared for Easter tomorrow.

Looking back across to the equivalent day last year, I see that I spent it in a very similar way. Although Jonny isn't climbing 8a just now, recovering from a chronic finger injury.

Even having missed the progression of Lent, knowing that Easter (and the renewal and hope it represents) is coming tomorrow, makes today special. It tells me how fortunate I am to live now, knowing about (and simply 'knowing') Jesus. What must it have been like to have been a follower of Jesus on the day after his death? I never have to experience that.

Looking back a year, and seeing that I was doing much the same as I was today is no great surprise. I don't feel as though I've moved on a long way in the past year. But for once, I think that that is because I'm in roughly the right place. Opportunities to change have come. I've thought about them, and I've decided that the way things are is better. I hope that was for the right reasons.

But at the same time, I'm conscious that I've had it pretty easy the past year. I've had nothing taken from me to challenge my world view. I've not had to respond to circumstances that shake the ground on which I stand. Holy Saturday reminds me of that. There has been no great 'moment of truth'. Or if there was, I missed it.

As I left Ratho, the sun had come out from behind the har that had hidden it since Thursday. An early Resurrection.

As I get up in the morning, hopefully the sun will have come back to life again. But if not, then there will still be many remembering with me an event far more significant, and asking themselves what a difference it makes to who they are and how they live.

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