Davids Photos

By davyatsea

Happy Easter

Morning everyone. Hope you are all having an egg-cellent time.

Last night, Oliver wouldn?t go to sleep as he was too egg-cited.

This morning, Megan woke up early (5am-ish) as she was egg-stremely hot and hungry. Luckily she did settle, and is still sleeping.

Oliver woke up shortly afterwards (6am) as he wanted to ?crack? on with the Egg Hunt. Last night, the Easter bunny was hard at work leaving a few surprises round the house. Needless to say, Oliver found this egg-tremely easy. Soon afterwards, it was time to egg-change eggs.

Now Megan is awake and having egg-tra special cuddles with Nana. We?ll get organised and see where we fancy going ? some kind of egg-scursion or something.

Now if you egg-scuse me. I need to wash up!

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