Summer in April

The coast beckoned today and a few hours on a train took Fred, the bicycles and me to Ramsgate. From there we cycled to Broadstairs (the beach in the blip), Margate, Herne Bay and finally to Whitstable. It was a fantastic ride. We've cycled before, but from Whitstable to Broadstairs. I don't know which direction I prefer. It was lovely to cycle with the evening sun setting behind Whitstable, the long light stretching along the coast and the church ruins at Reculver. Beyond the church, a flock of swifts (I think) swooped and swirled all around us, coming so close that we could almost touch them (if they weren't so fast), catching the evening insects. it was magical. This happened the last time we were here, too, so it must be a regular feeding ground for them. Some even landed on the ground to gobble up whatever tasty morsels were basking on the concrete there.

Suffice to say, the sun blazed all day and the beaches were thronged with Easter holiday-makers. The annoying drone of jet-skis was a blight, but it was great to see people out and about and having fun. At both Broadstairs and Ramsgate, there were groups of boys plummeting one by one into the cold harbour water. And there were quite a few people swimming. I can't believe the water could be warm since it's April - brrrr. Brave souls.

However, it was definitely warm enough for ice cream!

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