Today's the day

By sheilwill

Green Man

Today's the day ........................ to be in the garden

Glorious day here today - blue skies and really quite hot. You can't help thinking that it's all going to end in tears though. It's been so dry here for weeks - and we're not used to it, being the Lake District and all. We'll have a hosepipe ban before we get to May, never mind the summer proper.

Anyway - spent the whole day in the garden which is my idea of complete heaven. Hacked away at the undergrowth, weeded, planted and now have a sore back and aching limbs - but it was all worth it.

This Green Man is on the limestone wall that separates us from our neighbours. It was only when I was photographing him that I realised that he is winking - and that he has a funny grasshopper thing in his leaf beard .............!

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