
By scharwenka


Easter Monday 2011

This is the wisteria at the front of our house. It seemed to be an appropriate floral antidote to the tales of food and drink of the previous two days, and it did look pretty fine in the sunlight. The round port-hole is one of the windows of my office, and I am looking out of it as I write these words.

That's not to say that we didn't end up at a pub! In looking up our pub from yesterday on our return (see Blip for 24 April), we found this unexpected web page from CAMRA. Although we were primarily interested in comparing the walk to the Swan at Islip with the route we had taken by bicycle, it also became evident that it ought to be possible to get by footpath from our house in the opposite direction to

another famous local riverside hostelry.

Indeed, that proved to be the case, as we found out in the early evening. There were some awkward gates for bicycles, but we made it, and

two good Wadworth beers

were very refreshing. They were Henry's and Horizon.

It was good to see so many people out enjoying their Easter Bank Holiday.

PS to @orchid99 Thank you so much for your appreciative comments, always most welcome. Yesterday's place was actually ISLIP, not BIBURY (there's a link to a web page about Islip early on in my description).

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