
By scharwenka


..but I'm afraid it's in a rather different condition from the lamb shown in my Blip for 2 April.

This was the main course sreved at

a College Dinner

The dish was described as "Roast Loin of Lamb with Wild Garlic, Cotswold Asparagus, Morels, Jersey Royal Potatoes and Pancetta Ravioli". Talk about excess! Still, it was washed down nicely with Château Cos d'Estourel, 1988.

The first course was

heavily tomato-based

but luckily a

tomato-free version

was prepared for me. The fish course was

a tasty bit of salmon,

with a scallop mousse stuffed flowering courgette; and we ended up with a delicious

strawberry concoction.

followed by Dessert wuth Graham 1977.

Later in the evening, we discovered that the College has acquired a supply of its own

'The House Malt'

which is Private Cask Islay Single Malt 46% ABV. Truly excellent!

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