michigan man

By outdoorguy


My friend Barney( I assume it's Barney) and I have been friends for about 3 years. It used to be that he would see me in the kitchen...and he would patiently wait for me to open the back door, and receive his treat.

But, sometimes, I have to let my two pint-sized dogs out. A blind daschund, and a 5 lb. killer chihauhau. Holly, the weiner dog, does'nt bother him, but the chihauhau gives chase, and I think little Niya has even touched old Barney-Boy once.

When he spotted the dogs, Barney would leap from the bird-feeder bush to the 3 tall evergreens, which are about 4 feet away. After letting the dogs in, I would take the peanut butter cracker to Barney in the tree. He would grip the tree with his back feet and rest his front claws on my finger, and take the cracker in his mouth. Foolish...I know.

Barney sometimes disappears for weeks at a time(probably better treats elsewhere). I sometimes disappear for weeks at a time. I guess our trust issues have come and gone. I trust him, but he no longer trusts me or the tiny little dog from Taco Bell.

Probably just as well.

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