michigan man

By outdoorguy

Bad Dream

A couple nights back, I awoke with a start at 2:37 a.m. My bad dream had returned. In the dream, a guy breaks into my house, and comes upstairs to our bedroom. At that moment, I usually utter some garbled words, and I lash out. On one occasion, I punched my wife in the small of her back. Another time, I kicked her in the shin. I continue to suggest a king-sized bed, or even twin beds, but she refuses.

As I layed there in bed, I tried to pull a Happy Gilmore. In the movie, to offset some bad feelings, Adam Sandler goes to his "Happy Place".

To get away from my "intruder", I took myself to my familys July 4 picnic at my sisters farm. I see my brother-in-law and nephew at the grill. I see burgers and dogs and a red, white, and blue jello that my wife makes. I see my late sister playing kick-ball. I see my late mother making home-made ice cream. I see Belle, the Australian Sheperd, chasing a soccer ball. I see toddler goats leaping off a giant tractor tire. I see Dad shooting baskets, kids in the tree swing, and kids swimming in the pond. Horseshoes, Cornhole, Volleyball. Finally, after a day filled with great stuff, a giant family picture taken with a tripod and a self-timer against the barn. Hurry!!! You only have 10 seconds!!!

I would love to report that the "good" dream replaced the "bad" dream, and I fell right back to sleep. The last time I remember seeing on my clock was 4:04 a.m., but what a great 87 minutes it was.

May your dreams always be "Sweet".

P.S. These are some of my favorite movies. I need to get out of the nineties, and switch from VCR tapes to DVD.

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