A Day In the Life...

...Of Katiemoo, 18months 5 days (please view large!)

*first things first- pinch mummy's phone, check the mesages, never know what blipbaby plots have formed overnight, *wave to the neighbours' dog, before a swing & quick round of cuddles with the favourites (including Mummy) *morning wash, for Katie AND doll-dont forget searching all the nappies to find the right one- before a quick naked run & singtime, then be wriggled into clothes (why Mummy?) *try/reject breakfast before demanding a walk *visit the pretties, the ducks, the puddles, hurl self down biggest slide *return home to empty out the toys and sit in a box *musnt forget to take doll on a shopping trip, and have a snack. *power nap!

*wake, hunt for new friends, canine or otherwise *hunt for Gdad&Granny to drag up a big hill *explore, munch, follow a few cows *peepo on the hill! *icecream! ohoh-asleep with icecream *lets find a new place, under a bridge, chuckle at Gdad on a wall *point out the sights- no Grandad, its that way *oh a new park, remove bits of park from shoes then run to a tunnel *there's a light-and a Gdad at the end! *lots of climbing & moremore dogdogs

*take me home, feed me now, watch Katie splash her water *look the easter bunny. It's not an egg, it's a hat *another egg? why's someone written on it? Lets eggroll on Gdad *bathtime, thirsty work *practice blowing bubbles, then snuggle up for dry the baby dance *You cant get the staff, mother, find own jammies, put them on, too much effort .........and SLEEEEEP

When Katie turned 6months, in April 2010, I joined blipfoto, after being introduced by The Cheeky Girls. I had no internet til june, so on 16th June I started blipping, and haven't missed a day since then. I backblipped to that date I registered, and shortly after got full membership. So backblipped to the start of my pregnancy then the arrival of my darling girl. And here we are. 365blipped entries, 196archived entries later. I've thoroughly loved being part of this community. We've made real friends and for those, I am so very grateful. Love ya guys, thankyou. I've learnt so much from some incredible photographers - I can only hope one day to be even a fraction of as skilled as they are, and again, thankyou for that. This is entirely a babyblip, I am proud of that fact. It's Katie's Journal, and that's its purpose. To show Katie what she has done in her life, achieved in her life, and how much having her in my life means.

So thankyou all from me, from Katie, and from Monkey xx

(some of the photos can be found here and the balloon is the same one from her 300th entry!)

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