jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Beach day

Another beach day :)

And yes, last night's dinner was WELL worth getting out of bed for.

Steve and Ben went out this morning, Steve to fix a printer connection, and Ben to tag along (and he got to play on the "big drums" so that made it worth going out!). Apparently Steve left Ben in the room the bands practise in at the church offices, and told him he'd be back soon. And then took a long time and Ben got upset thinking he'd been left behind... But 4 biscuits and some juice later, and one of his favourite people (that'd be Kathryn!), and once the printer had been sorted out, everything was happy again and they finally returned home.

I was a bit bored waiting! But at least it was only boredom and not sickness. We had a quick lunch and headed into town: our aims were to pick Steve's shorts up that he'd ordered on Sunday, and to find and buy me a dress for an impending wedding.

Not only did we find and buy a dress, but also accessories and shoes! Impressive. That's got to be the fastest time EVER for a wedding outfit for me. Steve's shorts are due in the shop on Thursday so we have another day out planned for then, which will include eye tests for us both (and very likely spend a lot of money buying new frames and lenses I imagine...). We also found some very cool black and yellow trainers for Ben :) I suspect they will feature in a future blip! It's nice to know he has shoes that are big enough for him again. He does insist on keeping growing.

We finished off the day with a jaunt down to the beach, Steve tried to teach Ben how to throw underarm but didn't get very far with that. They had more fun jumping over rocks! On the way home we passed an indian takeaway and the smell had me hooked.... So as soon as we discovered Ben was sparko in the buggy we headed towards the takeaway nearer to our house and got ourselves saag paneer, onion bhajis and keema naan and mango sauce. Every time we stopped the smell wafted up to my nostrils. Oh my goodness I was HUNGRY. The naan was supposed to be for Steve but I managed to snaffle quite a lot of it while he was on the phone to his mum :D

Ben still sparko. He woke and cried and we got him into pyjamas and he's asleep on the middle of our bed now, covered in my dressing gown... I suspect next time he wakes up he's going to be really really really hungry because the last time he ate was at lunchtime and he only ate the ham from inside his sandwiches. Chocolate spread on toast for his supper I guess! Yum yum :D

A happy tasty day. Expensive, but good. It's a good job we don't go out shopping very often. It's been an expensive week so far and it's going to get more expensive on Thursday...

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