Having a scratch...

Easter Road Trip - Day 5

Left Bellingen this morning in the first of the days many many heavy rain showers.... seems that regular Easter Holiday weather is back!

The drive south on the "coast road" was slightly uneventful as it's not that close to the coast! Other than a side trip to Kendall to search for some Tonic Wine for Andreas folks the trip was fairly dull. We drove off the main road a few times to have a look at the coast a few times but the weather was not our friend!

We got to Forster and were slightly underwhelmed by the town.... its a bit of a shite hole.... fortunately the motel is on the right side of getting out of here quicker in the morning!

It was a bad enough town to make us pay good money to go and see Fast and the Furious 5.... the film was fantastically crap/awesome!

One good thing about the town is the amount of birdlife( the ones with wings), caught this guy balancing and scratching....

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