Möbius Miss

By WifeOfRiley

Shells, shells and more shells

We finally found the beach we were hunting- it looked huge on the map. It was massive but not the sandy haven the yellow band on the map had portrayed. The bay had beautiful natural rock pavements which were stunning but the thing I was most impressed with was the shell section of the beach. Instead of a few shells to find amongst the pebbles and sand, the whole area was just shells- cockles (of varying sizes), muscles, periwinkle and razor shells. As a shell hunter I was in heaven, as were the littler people. Here, Miss M with a whole handful of the treasure trove. 

I suppose I should also mention that my four year old found a dried out snake on the beach. We tried to 'lose' it in a later walk but as the precious find of the day it was protected and even saved for super-gluing after a random tumble rendered it snapped in half. Oh the joy! 

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