
By lifeandstuff


Well.... Week 1 of wedding plans and I am almost ripping my hair out. It seems you cannot get married in my town just because you just love someone and fancy telling your family about it. You have to spend at least 5000 quid. Every hotel, venue, almost everytime I nearly reach a breakthrough, oh but it doesnt include a vital part... Which you are going to have to pay £500 for, £1800 for a band, blah blah blah. I'm bored now. I wanted a small wedding, (as small as our two families combined can be) with a few friends, in a no' bad location. It doesn't exist. Someone said to me..."ach, you only do it once, go for it" I just wish I had the money to. Bored now.....

Good day, busy at work, and got my second photo done for my competition. Yippee! Two to go. :-)

Hope you all had a nice day! :-) x

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