
By blipburton

I know what your thinking...

...has she seen the lion?

Not sure but don't think she'd be bothered. She was fearless today:

1. Fall headfirst off the bed - check

2. Bake a (pretend) chocolate cake while fending off inquisitive little brother - check

3. Cope with daddy who's just woken up to the fact he's looking after the two kids on his own - check

4. Walk all the way to park while maintaining conversation without taking a breathe - easy

5. Reach new heights on the swing - check

6. Take little brother down the slide on your knee - check

7. Go really fast on the roundabout - check

8. Tell two older girls to stop and let you off the roundabout as it's going too fast - check

9. Protect picnic and little brother from two hungry dogs by curling into a small ball and shouting "I don't like dogs" - check

10. Feed Throw breadcrumbs at geese and ducks - check

11. Chase said geese and ducks with empty bread bag - check

12. Demolish strawberry ice cream - check

Deal with a surprised lion - no problem at all!

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