Busy Bee
Well it looks like a bee - but it hovered like a hoverfly.
Whatever it was, it was teasing me ..... hovering in front of me until I nearly had it in focus - and then moving (very fast).
I took quite a few, but this was the best I could manage. I think I need a faster focusing lens.
What I was actually doing was seeing if there were any interesting plants in the garden.
The answer was - not really.
Korean Fir (which I grew from seed and has quite a few cones on it)
Last years seeds
Crabapple blossom (which was sold to me as a plum............Grrrrr)
Leaf & blossom (this is more like what I wanted to shoot - but not quite right)
roseRose thorn - anybody know how to get rid of a climbing rose which keeps trying to take over a tree?
I spent the morning laying the new flooring in the cloakroom . It took me longer than expected (what a surprise) due to the awkward shape and the confined space. But it is done now.
No1 son phoned to say he was on his way to collect the car from the workshop ..... only taken them 6 weeks to replace a sill and a door skin and repaint - talk about slow workers. he is too laid back. I would have been hounding them after 2 weeks.
But the good news is he is really enjoying his new work (caring for people with brain injuries).
I am now off to collect SWMBO, her sidter and mother from the airport.
better make sure I have loads of money now the buggers are charging just to drive through the place and pickup/drop off. (Theiving sods)
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