Royal Wedding

We had a fantastic Royal Wedding party today at my sister's house, complete with flags, bunting and union jack plates and napkins.

It started at around 9am with clotted cream teas and us all glued to the telly watching the guests arrive at Westminster Abbey. At 11am when Kate arrived we opened our first bottle of pink champagne and started on our party feast - sandwiches, sausage rolls, strawberries, popcorn, home baking, to name but a few of our treats.

Kerr had a fab time playing with Abigail and Lucy while us girls watched the events of the day and discussed all the outfits etc. It was such a good way to spend the day.

This is the only piece of Royal Wedding memorabilia which I purchased - the ELC Happyland Royal Wedding Set! Much more fun than a mug or a tea towel :-)

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