Club 107

By club107

The national flag of Rundownindustria

'It is like a cross where people die' reckoned child 2.

Today was a very mixed bag, some very good, some well let's just say really not so good. Dwell on the good, which, and I would annoy Mr Scobes I think when I say, I am not a royalist, but I had no problem with watching the wedding unfold today. I was in the office at some ungodly hour this morning, second week running, I really do like the early mornings. My daughters however got dressed up for the occasion which typifies the innocence of youth which I love, child #2 was seemingly constantly trying to understand the who's who of the Royal family with persistent questioning, much to the chagrin of all other spectators. Before the cynicism kicks in, I think it is nice for them to watch something like this.

I had multiple conversations with people over the last few days, many extremely disinterested with the whole affair which is ok. I guess for me, watching something like this well, yes it is history literally in the making, it is hard for many to believe, but a positive moment in many people's lives and I think we need some of those, and nice to see a couple of people in the middle of it all, under a slight media spotlight, no pressure there, starting off on the adventure of married life. It made me think of history, watching the wedding of Charles and Diana with my family and our friends a few years ago and made me realise that in this country, unless you live in a bunker, they are really tied into our life.

Gutted that I didn't get the invite though, instead I wandered round car parks taking photos.

I hope to get many more nations in my flags of the warped world


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