
By Sn2

Tick the Box

I was talking to The Lovely Ange this morning, outside Castle Rock Cafe. I'd been spending the previous night (and this morning) going through insurance receipts and policies, adding up what to claim and thinking how much stuff will cost to replace. Very administrative and not very much fun.

I was sitting outside the cafe, feeling pretty sorry for myself when one of the nice women at Castle Rock brought me this and stuck it on the table. For some reason it got under my protective armour and I was touched by the humour and kindness. To take the time to sketch this up just for fun made such a difference to how I felt.

"Need to sit and talk quietly? How about ticking the box and we'll just bring that out." You can tell they also know exactly what I'm likely to order.

It remined me of how lucky I am and the kindness of humanity shown within the impish smile of the waitress.

I didn't have a wee cry as a result; don't be ridiculous. Because if I did, that wouldn't have been at all manly-tough and we must uphold impressions of strength and invincibility at all times. Or if I did find a tear springing forth, I would never admit it.

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