dark obsidian

By darkobsidian


I was supposed to be spending today down the coast with my sister and her partner but I woke up late after not sleeping all that well and despite the glorious weather I didn't really feel quite up to cycling round a small island and reliving childhood memories. So instead I phoned a friend and arranged to meet up for a while in town for coffee or a beer or maybe both, it being such a magnificent day for sitting out in the sun and watching the world go by while chatting away the hours with a good friend.

With it being the last weekend before the Scottish elections the city centre was absolutely full of activists for political parties of every possible persuasion handing out leaflets and campaigning for all they were worth but I was a little taken surprised to turn the corner from where I was meeting my friend to see this gentleman on a soapbox in full flow in the middle of Buchanan Street. I've got to hand it to him ragardless of what I think of his politics he's certainly an engaging speaker but whenever I look at him all I can think of is that film of him pretending to be a cat on Big Brother :)

There was a time when I used to be really passionate about politics now I just can't help but think that anyone who wants power that badly is probably someone who really shouldn't be trusted with it........

You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common: they don't alter their views to fit the facts; they alter the facts to fit their views.

Tom Baker

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