
By digitalosteomum


Today I went to my CPD (continued professional development). As an osteopath I have to do 30 hrs a year of courses and learning to keep me up to date with recent research about things. Today I attended a life support and first aid day which was amazing. When I was young, I used to be a member of St John's ambulance and I also did a course at the end of my osteopathic degree, but none of them even came close to the course today. It was held by a trauma team who work in the hospital in the trauma, first response, and recusitation units and it was amazing. I can now defibrillate a person having a heart attack and put someone on a spinal board and in a neck brace amongst other things. I hope I never need to use any of these skills but at least I now have them just in case. Im also glad it covered paediatric CPR with having the little ones. Also seeing so many different people at work and being a health care professional, I feel more confident now just in case of an emergency- or even if Im in tescos and someone has a funny turn!

This is a pic of the mouth protecter I will now carry with me in case of needing to do mouth to mouth recuss. Brilliant course, feel like Ive learned a lot.

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