
By digitalosteomum

A bit lippy

Whilst looking through the photos on my camera for my blip, I suddenly came across this! It seemed Ellie had got hold of my camera and had blipped her own mouth! I love how you can see the fine hairs on her upper lip and some remains of her tea next to her mouth- I love every little inch of both my children.

Last night after I got home, my hub had cooked me a lovely tea and had both children in bed! I got a gorgeous bouquet of lillies and some really gorgeous boots for mothers day- it was so unexpected and generous. It means so much to know the everyday things I do aren't always taken for granted.

I went to see my Mum today as haven't seen them for being away, also I got to speak to my sister in Thailand- miss her loads, but was so nice to hear from her.

I put Ellie in a new dress that M bought her today and she looked so so beautiful

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