
By Grandmama

The Post Office

This fine building used to be the Main Post Office in our town, until it closed its doors to the general public a few years ago. It was always a pleasure to go in there - spacious, airy, pleasant staff etc. After moving to several different locations, the post office is now housed in a small supermarket where there is hardly room to swing a cat round!
This building is still used as a sorting office. Bet they've been busy this week-end with all the Mothers' Day cards passing through.
My Mother's Day has been totally disastrous , so far. Grandpapa has been in agony to the point of tears and couldn't sleep, so was up very early. He actually brought my breakfast, but don't know how he made it up the stairs. Since then, he's sat in his chair and hasn't moved. The pain has gone. I just hope it's permanently disappeared as I've felt so sorry for him. Don't know what it can be.
I took Chester for a walk in the park and dropped my camera!! It still works, but as it skidded across the gravel path it was scratched to hell! I'm furious with myself, as I always put the strap over my wrist, but, on this occasion didn't!
Anyway, the day can only get better!!

Have a great one, Mothers!!

Congrats to Daily Post on his 365th Blip.

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