
By Grandmama

How rude!

I feel like putting my head in one of these tyres and being swung out of sight!! As you will be aware, if you read my postings regularly, our house is for sale. An appointment was made two weeks ago by some people who live in the Isle of Man, to view this morning at 11.00a.m. The Estate Agent rang me at 9.00 to remind me ( as if I needed reminding!) and said that she would be showing them round. The place looked absolutely immaculate, I'd worked so hard. Grandpapa stayed here because he's not well, but also he could answer any questions, and I took Chester to the park out of the way. The scene was set.
Imagine my disgust when GP sent me a text to say that these people hadn't shown up for their 10.30 appointment at another house, so it didn't look hopeful for ours. They never showed!
Bad manners are inexcusable, to my mind. It doesn't take much to make a 'phone call if they'd wanted to cancel. I was seething.
Sorry for the rant, but I feel better now. Should find out who they were and send 'my chav son' round!! :))

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