With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Piggy in the middle

I hadn't realised that today was Mothers´ day. I got a few hours work done this morning in preparation for the week ahead while little Agu was trying out his birthday bike with Big Agu, and then we went for lunch. I made a pig of myself. And then had a siesta.

Ben returned from England via the civilised BA, laden with chocolate and seeming even more grown up. It turns out that his London grandparents had just returned from their trip on the Boudicca that we saw emerging from the Mersey!

The boys are fed and watered and vaguely clean, ready for school for tomorrow (after some last minute maths for Ben) and I am trying to get my head in gear for the last push. At least I won´t have to eat for a while.

(Sorry if you don´t like this image. I was going to post the after shot, a plate gleaming with delicious pork, salad and potatoes, but that would be boring wouldn´t it?)

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