With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Back to the grind

Ben arrived back last night and we had to have a potted version of what he'd been up to before bed.

He woke very tired this morning, but as always seems to happen when we've been away, the boys both seem to have grown up a lot. He was a love and made me my third cup of tea. And when he'd finished school and footy training, he got on with the extra homework he'd been given. You know, the stuff the others had to do over the whole holidays and that he has to get done .... by tomorrow! No complaining, and it was all done. Even Little Agu seemed to actually look forward to doing his work! Lucky me.

And no complaints about going to bed either. "A really long day, and it's only Monday" said B.

Work was fine for me and I´m pleased to see my lovely colleagues again. I'm hoping phseven will reappear on Blip soon, it seems he's bought a new toy.

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