Roly's Life

By Roly

Well I never!

I know, it has been done before but there is a slight difference - we moved into this house on 28th April 2010. I have had no freezer UNTIL TODAY!!! This is on my new freezer - well it's not new, it is my old one that has been sat in the garage with no leccy for a year, but it feels new!

The real tragedy is that we all went to Rick's again for tea after a fraught day (I am not overly patient at times) and watched a cruise ship being tugged out of the port. We followed it round to the Point and even watched the Pilot coming off as they left the Carrick Roads. But none of us had a camera or even a camera phone between us.

Which is why you will have to make do with the fridge magnets on the freezer...

I think I said most of what I wanted to say on my one year, but thank you anyway to those of you who keep me at this crazy task and especially those of you who convinced me to give it a go in the first place!

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